World Tour February 2016 Update

World Tour February 2016 Update Tom Plankers, General Manager of Founders Group International and World Tour Golf Links, joins host Shan Coughlin for this edition of Tee It UP Grand Strand and the World Tour February 2016 Update.  Sitting on the back patio of this...

Play World Tour Golf Links – May 2015 Update

Tom Plankers joins host of Tee It Up Grand Strand, Shan Coughlin, for this edition of Play World Tour Golf Links May 2015 update for another information session about one of the most famous courses in the country.  But before that, Shan asks Tom about a rumor...

TIUGS with World Tour Golf Links- March Update

Tom Plankers joins host Shan Coughlin on TIUGS with International World Tour Golf Links March update.  World Tour boasts 19 replicated world famous holes and in these interviews, Tom has been giving the history behind them and why they were chosen to be part of this...