VPAR’s website opens with the word’s “The Worlds #1 Golf App”. That’s a pretty strong statement in an era when golf apps are popping up everywhere. VPAR has certainly created a feature-rich and light-weight application that not only provides GPS features for over 30,000 golf courses, it provides live scoring capabilities for a single golfer, a group, or an entire tournament.
The tournament scoring feature makes this app a popular choice for tournament organizers. Taking the load off the the staff, this application provides live scoring for every player on the course…not only to the staff, but to every player. Imagine professional leader-board scoring and knowing at any point where you stand with the competition…rather than waiting til the end of the round and for the scores to posted on the scoreboard. In addition to live scoring during the round, VPAR keeps up leader-board statistics on every course where it is used. It is easy to compare your scores to your last round as well as anyone else who has played the course with the VPAR app.
VPAR has a complete GPS feature with course layouts on over 30,000 courses. The app provides distances to bunkers, water, and other hazards as well as a built-in range finder with distances to the front middle, and back of greens.
Fop more information on VPAR, visit their site at httpss://vpar.com or HERE for another article on this product. Keep up with the latest golf news an information at The Golf Director. We produce over 1500 shows annually proving 24/7 live and on-demand programming. Find us on iTunes, TuneIn, Roku, YouTube, Ustream, Vimeo,,, The Myrtle BEach Golf App and other global applications.