Host Shan Coughlin is joined by Bob Seganti for this edition of Tee It UP Grand Strand ( TIUGS) and the Caledonia Golf and Fish Club and True Blue Golf March update. The question is will you be teeing it up on the Grand Strand soon? If so, listen to Bob and Shan talk about all the reasons you will want to include Caledonia and True Blue in your list of must play courses. Coming off of “awards season” as Bob called it, both courses fared very well and is something they are humbled by and very proud of. For the list of accolades, go to their website, by clicking the banner link on this page or any of the pages at
When looking at and playing these sister courses, Bob talks about how different they are even initially billed as “Heaven and Hell”. Caledonia has a wonderfully long driveway lined with 200+ year old oak trees with hanging Spanish moss so think that the entire drive is shielded from the sun. Then you take a 90 degree right hand turn to the clubhouse which is right on the water, very traditional and perfectly suited to the environment. The course is very traditional and described by Bob as having “rhythm”. True Blue, just across the street, is wide open but surprises are around every corner. Initially billed as very difficult and primarily designed for single digit handicap players, renovations have eased it up and now it offers a very interesting and different experience. The conditions of the courses and grounds are kept pristine year round at both facilities. Visitors and golfers definitely see the effects of having a full time horticulturist and arborist on staff, something the owners feel is very important, and not something found at many courses. From the moment you drive on property until it is time to leave, you will know every detail is considered.
To hear Bob’s full interview with Shan on this edition of TIUGS Caledonia and True Blue March Update, click on the player above or download it to your smart device for listen on demand. Thank you for interacting with and for your interest in these Myrtle Beach area golf courses. Caledonia and True Blue can be packaged together in two or four round weekends for as little as $299 per person in the off season. And once you take a look at the pictures on the website, you’ll make the reservations and know you have made the right decision.