Sandpiper Bay -6Brett Thomaswick, Head Golf Professional from Sandpiper Bay Golf and Country Club joins host of Tee It Up Grand Strand, Shan Coughlin, for the Play Sandpiper Bay April 2015 update.  In this edition, Brett and Shan talk shoes, lots of shoes.  Brett is rocking his Nike Volt attire, even the shoes, and this starts the conversation about what is up and coming in the pro shop and out on the course.  They have a new event planned for May, the first couples event called Jack and Jill.  It is a four person scramble where the men tee off on the odd numbered holes and the ladies tee off on the even numbered holes.  It is still a scramble but only two tee shots will be in play on each hole.  Definitely different and should be a lot of fun.

As for inside the golf shop, there are a ton of shoes on order.  Brett likes waterproof, good quality shoes, and they tend to go fast.  He has a little bone to pick with the ladies this year in that he is selling way more mens shoes than ladies.  He is really wondering what is going on.  The men are buying several pair at the time and they are flying off the shelves where the ladies seem to be picking just one.  We will look forward to more information and the research on why that is happening.  Maybe its because he like shoes and is picking out the good mens shoes but needs some help on the ladies side???  Common ladies, give him some feedback.


Sandpiper-Bay-Golf 1There is a great range membership available at Sandpiper Bay, now under $200 for the rest of the year.   That’s less than a cup of coffee each day – what a great way to justify practicing.  And speaking of practicing, Brett’s assistant Brandon is now in training as he will be taking the 80 oz steak challenge at the Myrtle Beach Pelicans game.   While Brett is 6’6″, Brandon is 5’1″ and eats “12 times per day”.  Go Brandon, we will be routing for you.

As for the golf course, Brett and Shan do get around to talking about the golf course and end up once again talking about gators.  The course is in great shape as they are getting ready to start their renovations turning approximately 25 sand bunkers into grass bunkers.  They will also be re-doing their cart paths and everything should be complete by fall golf season.   But don’t worry, because they have three – nine hole courses, they will have 18 holes open at all times.  The best rates can be found online at

Thank you for your interaction with and for your interest in Sandpiper Bay Golf and Country Club.  To hear the entire interview, click on the player above.  You can also download the audio file on your smart device for listen on demand.   We appreciate your support and hope to see you on the fairways!