On this edition of Tee It Up Grand Strand, host Shan Coughlin joins head golf professional Brett Thomas at the Sandpiper Bay Golf & Country Club to get the scoop on what’s new on the course. Coughlin begins by encouraging those listening on the radio, to log onto TheGolfDirector.com and watch this interview online via the TV tab to view the beautiful scenery at Sandpiper Bay. Standing on the Bay Course in front of hole No. 7, Thomas tells Coughlin he is showing off the pro shop’s new fall apparel, in a nice pull over. The pro shop features new outerwear options suitable for on the course and even to wear to dinner, Thomas joked.
The course has also received a new look. The Sandpiper Bay Golf & Country Club features new renovations, including changes and improvements to the bunkers. According to Thomas, the bunkers got all new bright white sand, were sculpted out a little bit, and a few bunkers were even removed. “It got even more fun,” he laughed. “It’s treat to get in a bunker now and hit out of it.” Coughlin points out that the bunkers are also a lot smaller now, but are still very playable. Additionally, she noticed trees were removed that seemed to be pretty cumbersome, she said. Thomas concurred and said that more than 200 trees were removed from the Piper course, which allows for a better chance to be more aggressive and to see more of the hole. The course still has a lot of the original trees that were on-site when the club opened in 1987. Most of the ones that were removed were the ones near the car path.
Another interesting feature at Sandpiper Bay Golf is the presence of wildlife, which Thomas said has grown since the major storm – Hurricane Joaquin – that recently hit the Carolina coast. Gators are often seen around the course and in the ponds, but they usually just go for the golf balls, Thomas assured. During this beautiful fall golf season, the Sandpiper Bay Golf & Country Club offers a great deal for the snowbird golfers. For the snowbirds, Thomas said, “We offer a three-, 10- and 20-round pass. Basically, it’s like being a member for the winter without the high price of the initiation fee and things like that. And they can be as little as $30 a round, and that includes the cart and the range balls. You can book 48 hours in advance and just stop in the golf shop and pick up a pass,” he explained.
Of the three courses at Sandpiper Bay, Thomas told Coughlin that the Piper Course is his new favorite since the renovation. With three par 5s and a lot of trees removed on the course, golfers can be more aggressive now on the Piper. Coughlin points out that all three courses at Sandpiper Bay – the Sand Course, the Piper Course and the Bay Course – are very female friendly, which does not necessarily mean they are easy, but rather, set up for a woman’s game and offer a great number of options for folks.
Featuring four different tees, Thomas said the courses provide a different shot off each tee. So, it never gets mundane on the course and there is always a lot to look forward to. He often sees members utilizing the more forward tees, as well. “That’s what it’s about: more fun,” Thomas said. “When you get to a par 4 and you’re hitting more than you’ve ever had to hit, it may be time to move up a tee and there’s nothing wrong with that. Because, as most people think, your handicap will adjust with what tee you play. So, you’re not cheating, not losing strokes or getting punished. You’re just having more fun, and what’s wrong with that?” he asked.
Coughlin asked Thomas for the No. 1 reason for golfers to return to Sandpiper Bay Golf & Country Club. Thomas replied, “It’s different than what it was before. We’re always changing, we’re always adapting to the changing market. We’ve got our overseed down already. We’re going to be green for the rest of the year and into the spring. You’ve got great customer service here. We love to have people out here. It’s a people business and if you stop in our shop, it’s football season, it’s hockey season, it’s baseball season – we do love that aspect about learning your favorite teams and things like that.”
For more information about the Sandpiper Bay Golf & Country Club, current specials, or to book a tee time, visit SandpiperBayGolf.com or log onto TheGolfDirector.com for links and to see this full interview online!