On this edition of Tee It Up Grand Strand, host Shan Coughlin joins Brad Walker, on site at the pristine Cape Fear National Golf Club to talk about course updates and a beautiful fall golf season. Located just five miles south of Wilmington N.C. and an hour north of North Myrtle Beach, Cape Fear National Golf Club is a great place to play year round and offers gorgeous scenery at each hole. Standing on a signature hole with the No. 9 green in background, Walker explains to Coughlin that the cypress forest and wetland area are what makes the par three so beautiful. With that, Coughlin encourages everyone listening on a radio app to log onto TheGolfDirector.com, click on the TV tab and view this interview to see just how pristine Cape Fear National Golf Club really is.
Walker, who is the director of sales and marketing at Cape Fear National, said they have been really encouraged this year, as afternoons have been packed and there really couldn’t be better conditions. “Everything is green and just perfect,” he said. “…It’s prime time here in North Carolina; if you’re up north, come on south.” Coughlin observed that the course is so green, and said they must have already overseeded. Walker told Coughlin that actually, the seed will go down the end of October. This ensures that through March and April, there is mostly rye grass that will switch to Bermuda. So it is always green at Cape Fear National, and no matter what time of the year golfers visit, they will be hitting off a great fairway surface. Walker said that even in the winter when the fairways are rye and the bermuda is dormant on the edge, it really frames the course quite nicely so visually, it’s very aesthetically pleasing.
One thing that is unique about Cape Fear National Golf Club are the waste bunkers. Walker explained there are a few drive through waste area bunkers. Holes No. 5 and No. 13 are signature holes where the bunker actually becomes the car path. Walker said the waste bunkers offer a unique twist to the course designed by Tim Cate. “You’ll see a lot of native grasses here in his design work. We like the fact that the course has bent grass greens. It’s kind of rare to find that these days. I love playing off bentgrass and I think our golfers enjoy it, too,” he added. With fall golf season upon the Grand Strand, golfers can continue enjoy playing on great grass at Cape Fear National through the winter months, too. The great thing about overseeding is that there can be a 55- or 60-degree day in December through February – those do exist, Walker explained. “So, it’s really not a bad decision to come down here in the winter. Chances are you will catch a good day,” he said.
Coughlin pointed out that golfers generally find that the course is less crowded, they can play faster during the cooler months and the rounds are not quite as expensive. Walker concurred and said the course will compensate with reasonable rates in the wintertime. According to Walker, June is the best month to play at Cape Fear National, and the course tends to be busy March through May and also September and October. It’s always green here, he said.
“The course is very well designed and well maintained,” Walker concluded. “And it’s always in pristine condition. You feel like you’re playing a private golf facility.”
For more information, visit CapeFearNational.com. There you can find course information, an event calendar, and even information about real estate near the course, which is located in Brunswick Forest. Log on to TheGolfDirector.com for links and video access to this interview.